My Purple Cupboard

We all have one of those cupboards, sometimes it’s a drawer, where you keep all the weird stuff that you can’t find room for anywhere else. My cupboard is purple and it’s full of all kind of fun things.

To keep them hidden and undiscovered
I hide my secrets in my purple cupboard

There’s a box full of drawings all best kept unseen
And jars full of something all mouldy and green
Tins with no labels all well past their date
Some rusty old hinges from a rusty old gate
A brown paper package that’s shaped like a head
That drips something horrid that’s sticky and red
A collection of chargers, an old mobile phone
Some rusty old scalpels, a mysterious bone
Stuffed at the back is a small cardboard box
That contains the remains of a mummified fox
While up on the shelf is a box full of hats
And a sack filled with tails from the neighbourhood cats
There’s some gore spattered hooks hanging up on the wall
And below them some teeth and a cloudy eyeball
There’s a thingamabob and a something or other
And a large canvas bag where I keep your real mother

Now forget what you’ve seen and don’t you dare tell
Or I’ll pack you away in my cupboard as well.

It’s amazing what you find in cupboards these days.

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